Election results for Coronation. Year: 1905 - 2001.




Political Affiliation Votes Received

Elegible Electors

Total Votes Cast

Percent Voting

1913 Coronation

F.H. Whiteside

Liberal 739 2592 N/A Figures not available

W.W. Wilson

Conservative 693 2592 N/A Figures not available
1917 Coronation

W.W. Wilson

Conservative 1782 5531 3357 Not available

H.S. Northwood

Liberal 1575 5531 3357 Not available
1921 Coronation

Geo. M. Johnston

United Farmers of Alberta 3736 6256 4696 75.1

Dr. A.M. Day

Liberal 960 6256 4696 75.1
1926 Coronation

Geo. N. Johnston

United Farmers of Alberta 2387 5130 4068 79.3

Arthur M. Day

Liberal 945 5130 4068 79.3

A.O. Thomas

Conservative 498 5130 4068 79.3
1930 Coronation

Hon. G.N. Johnston

United Farmers of Alberta 2084 5248 4223 80.5

Arthur M. Day

Independent 1983 5248 4223 80.5
1935 Coronation

G.L. MacLachlan

Social Credit 2674 4876 4263 87.4

C.C. Wager

United Farmers of Alberta 844 4876 4263 87.4

Robt. Densmore

Liberal 625 4876 4263 87.4